Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Dating Divas

The Dating Divas is a blog I love! Its ran by a group of women and they all give tons of cool dating advice.

Here is their mission statement:

We are wives, mothers, sisters, and friends who strive to enrich marriages everywhere. We want to celebrate the gift of marriage while inspiring others to do the same. It is our goal to provide creative, inexpensive, and innovative dating ideas that will bring joy, fun, and excitement back into the relationship. We encourage all married men and women to take a conscious and proactive approach to investing in their spouse. By putting our spouses first, we are taken back to the simple magic of being head over heels in love again. We desire to help make lasting marriages, which in return will create everlasting families.
Readers can get a sense that these women really care about the content on their blog and it's evident that they're really trying to help other couples! You can ask them questions and offer ideas for blog post. You can even submit stories about your relationship and have it posted.

Raquel says:

Great post! I love the cards idea, its a perfect conversation starter! I was wondering why you would feel uncomfortable speaking to your husband about anything? He’s your other half! Anyway, I love your site! thanks for the tip.

  • TaraTara says:
    Hey Raquel! Sometimes with the business of life, we get caught up in our OWN lives & forget to focus on our relationship & just having a simple conversation. A little kick-start like this may be just the key! MWAH!

    Tara is a member of the dating divas and above is her response to my comment!
I recently commented on a blog post I really liked called Conversation starters. It was about a card game you can play with your husband or wife which I thought was a fabulous idea. I got a response to my comment a couple days later. I originally thought my comment had been deleted but it was just in review! The dating Divas put a lot of energy and love in to this blog there is no denying that! check them out for yourself!

    • Enjoy guys
      xoxo Rockie

Breaking Up the Right Way!

We can all agree that breaking up with your significant other is one of the hardest things to do. How do you tell someone you've spent so much time with and given so much love to you don't want them anymore? Lets start off with things you don't say and do when trying to break up.
  1. Email
  2. Social Media
  3. Text message
After being with someone for an extened period of time, the respectful way to tell them it's over, is face to face! Letting your significant other know you two are breaking up through social media, text message, email, is heartless! Today everything is done online but a break up shouldn't be one of them especially if this is a person you once cared for.

Try to avoid the IT'S NOT YOU IT'S ME line! It's so cliche! What you want to do is think of the top five reasons why you want to end things. Meet in a neutral place that's not too public; one or both of you might shed a tear or two and you don't want onlookers invading such and intimate moment. Be kind and remember they will want an explanation so give it to them. You don't ever want to leave someone clueless as to why you're breaking up with them because then they're left with no sense of closure. I know how hard It can be to say the words once you're face to face but if it's what you really want you have to be strong. Once you've broken up with your significant other you should CEASE AND DESIST all communication with them. I'm not saying you can't ever be friends with them, but right after a break up you both need space from each other to avoid confusion. Once you're so used to someone it's hard to stop talking and seeing them cold turkey, but you can do it.
Breaking up with someone over the phone is acceptable, especially if your in a long distance relationship. I don't typically recommend the phone break up but if there is no other way then go for it.

Goodluck folks

xoxo Rockie

Monday, April 22, 2013


Moving in together? Deciding to move in with your significant other, especially before marriage is a HUGE step. It can either make or break a relationship. One doesn't know every single little thing about a person until they live with them. I found some really cool tips on the Cosmopolitan website that might be helpful!

Here they are! *Cohabitation Examination: 7 Sticky Moving-In-Together Issues, Solved
Follow the link to each tip!

1.The Problem: Feeling Claustrophobic

2. The Problem: “What’s Next?"

3. The Problem: "What About My Life?"

4. The Problem: New Roommate Syndrome

5. The Problem: Differing Taste in Decor

6. The Problem: The Furniture Fight

7. The Problem: Balancing Budgets

Hope these tips were helpful!

Happy cohabiting folks

xoxo Rockie

Editing Wikipedia Part 2

A couple of  blogs post ago I discussed how easy it was to go to web pages like Wikipedia and add your own edits to the content already on the page. I decided to go on wikipedia and test it out for myself. I made an edit to the Field Of Study section in the definition of Interpersonal Relationships. Even though editing the content of wikipedia is possible, the changes you've made can be deleted if the information is false or not to the liking of the managers of that website. I decided to go back and check to see if my edit was still there and it was!

Field of study
The study of interpersonal relationships involves several branches of the social sciences, including such disciplines as sociologypsychologyanthropology, and social work.Interpersonal skills are extremely vital when trying to develop a relationship with another person. The scientific study of relationships evolved during the 1990s and came to be referred to as 'relationship science',[2] which distinguishes itself from anecdotal evidence or pseudo-experts by basing conclusions on data and objective analysis. Interpersonal ties are also a subject in mathematical sociology.

In my edit to the page I added the sentence that says, " Interpersonal skills are extremely vital when trying to develop a relationship with another person." That goes to show that anyone can add or subtract anything they want! 

Happy editing folks and remember when researching don't rely on just one source like a wikipedia because everything you may read might not be 100 percent true!

xoxo Rockie


Sunday, April 7, 2013

To Sext Or Not To Sext? That Is The Question.

The days when a person would write a love letter sprayed with their perfume and sealed with a lipstick kiss are long gone. Today's technological generation prefers risky pictures; all the goods right upfront! But, are X-rated photos the way to  go? Are there safe ways to send a nude shot without fear of someone other than the person you sent it to seeing it?

WARNING: You do realize that a picture is in most cases FOREVER. So... should you choose to send someone a risky picture they might just keep that forever.

Here's tip number one: DON'T TEXT, EMAIL or MAIL NAKED PICTURES,
BUT if you must, be smart about it!
  •  If you have the slightest doubt about the person you're sending an x-rated photo to, then you shouldn't be sending them anything in the first place.
  • There are certain apps for smart phones where you can send a person a picture but they only have access to it for 5 seconds then it erases. One popular app is called "SnapChat. But even that isn't 100 percent secure. 

Some more tips:

Why send a full on nude picture? keep it mysterious, classy and leave something to the imagination folks. You can send sexy pictures to your significant other without bearing it all. Send some nice legs shots, a shoulder; are you following? you can make someones blood boil without putting all the goodies on the counter, get my drift?

So, to answer the question whether one should sext or not here it is;
If you're going to sext aim for someone who's trustworthy. Sending these kind of x-rated photos should (ideally) go to a wife or a husband. If you think about it, do you really want  a boyfriend/girlfriend you've broken up with to have such compromising pictures? And what if it was a nasty break up? They can do what ever they want with those pictures.

So if you do sext be smart about it!

Happy snapping guys
xoxo Rockie

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gay Marriage?

America the beautiful, America the land of the free?
We've come a long way from the days of slavery to today where equality is heavily promoted, supported and practiced. So why is this issue of gay marriage still controversial? There was a time where interracial marriage was illegal and unheard of. But today in 2013 it's as common as losing your socks in the dryer on wash day. (I don't know about you but every time I do laundry I lose a sock.)  If your'e in love with a person who's of sound mind (and of age) then why should you not be able to get married? Let the LGBT community say "I DO".

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Supports the LGBT community, here's a video of her addressing the subject. In one part of the video she says, "The LGBT community are full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship, which include marriage." Makes sense, don't you think?

America is suppose to be a land of equal rights! Your thoughts and comments are more then welcomed! Lets hear what you think. Should gay marriage be legalized?

xoxo Rockie