Monday, April 28, 2014


  1. 1.
    having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
    "the raw berries have an intensely bitter flavor"
    synonyms:sharpacidacidicacridtartsourbitingunsweetened, vinegary;
  2. 2.
    (of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment.
    "I don't feel jealous or bitter"
    synonyms:resentful, embittered, aggrieved, begrudging, rancorousspiteful,jaundiced,ill-disposedsullensourchurlishmorosepetulant,peevish, with a chip on one's shoulder More

    Dear Sir,

    I’m a twenty-something year old young professional who has certainly had her trials and tribulations in the dating department, but me? Bitter? I'm no sour apple! Yes I’ve had my fair share of failed relationships that might have left my heart slightly bruised but that doesn’t mean I blame the entire male race for the mistakes of a select few. But please excuse my lack of eagerness to gobble up compliments and passes especially when they’re generic. You see my mind, body, spirit & heart are the most valuable things in my possession and I refuse to hand those things over on a silver platter to just anyone. If I said yes to every gentleman caller then what would that make me? What would I have left? Nothing... Am I afraid? Heck yes! Letting your guard down for a member of the opposite sex is equivalent to standing at the edge of the tallest mountain and expecting him/her to catch you when you fall. That’s a big gamble and I’ve been dropped on my face before, so excuse my apprehension but I'm in no hurry to stand on a ledge for anyone. That’s not being bitter that’s being careful. Don’t come to me dressed in your knight and shinning armor with claims of sweeping me off my feet be genuine, be real, be you. I do understand that humans need love & affection and I do get hungry for those things but I rather eat filet mignon Vs. MCDEES cheeseburgers…. So I’ll wait.

    Don’t take it personal.
