Monday, April 22, 2013


Moving in together? Deciding to move in with your significant other, especially before marriage is a HUGE step. It can either make or break a relationship. One doesn't know every single little thing about a person until they live with them. I found some really cool tips on the Cosmopolitan website that might be helpful!

Here they are! *Cohabitation Examination: 7 Sticky Moving-In-Together Issues, Solved
Follow the link to each tip!

1.The Problem: Feeling Claustrophobic

2. The Problem: “What’s Next?"

3. The Problem: "What About My Life?"

4. The Problem: New Roommate Syndrome

5. The Problem: Differing Taste in Decor

6. The Problem: The Furniture Fight

7. The Problem: Balancing Budgets

Hope these tips were helpful!

Happy cohabiting folks

xoxo Rockie


  1. I've heard people say that you don't really know the person you're with until you move into together. I'm not sure I would move in with my boyfriend before marriage, but I do think it is important to learn all about the quirks before taking that big step.

  2. Traditionally marriage is the ideal time to move. If you wanna get a sense of who they are in their home life maybe extended sleep overs might do the trick!
