Sunday, May 12, 2013

This Single Girls Life.

After being in a few long term relationships, I'm single for the first time in about ten years! Tired of always being someones girlfriend I decided I wanted to be a lone ranger. Unbelievable right? NO! Many find it hard to believe that I actually want to be single and in no rush to meet prince charming. I'm not opposed to it, just not actively looking. I'm only sharing this story because I want people to know that being single is OK and you shouldn't feel lonely or merisble because you don't have a significant other. If I had a penny for every time someone said I should be married or asked why am I single I'd be rich by now. I'm 25, which is typically in this day and age the time people start getting married, having children or in a committed relationship. (usually) One line I hear all the time is, you're too pretty, how are you single? Well, I didn't know that "pretty" people weren't allowed to be single? Is there something I'm missing? I've noticed that men who are single are rarely or never asked why? I'm assuming that it's illegal to be single when you're a young attractive woman. This is how society makes it out to be. But, I've never been the type to conform to society's expectations of how people should be. I go to the movies alone, I eat dinner alone and if I get an urge to cuddle, well that's what my body pillow is for. I surround myself with tons of wonderful friends and family members so I've yet to feel even an ounce of loneliness. My close friends tease me because when I get asked out I always tell the guy (if I agree to go) that this is not a date, it's a friend outing. Everyone always thinks this is hilarious but really, I say this because I don't want to lead anyone on. So I go on these friends outings under certain conditions.
Here are my friend outing conditions:
1.) There will be no kissing
2.) We are just friends
3.) We will remain Platonic
Now, I'm not trying to start some kind of singles revolution just saying I see so many women and men looking for love in all the wrong places. Sometimes it's OK to have time for yourself, learn to love yourself because at the end of the day if you don't love you then who else will? We have to learn to be one with our selves know our likes and dislikes and then the perfect person will be just around the corner. Please don't rush into a relationship for the fear of people alone. This is the time in my life where I'm doing everything I want to do and it's amazing. This is probably the only time in my young life that I will be able to do this. In a couple years I might be married with children but for now its just single me. For all my single folks out there, there are tons of fun things you can do with friends or even by yourself. Being single doesn't mean staying home alone and lonely. This is a time where you should be out and about meeting new people doing new things and stepping out of the box. Try not to stick to things you usually do and look for new and exciting adventures. Do things you can look back too and smile about. They don't shoot single people (well at least I don't think so). Wear your single cape proudly and when you're ready, really ready then put your self back on the market. I strongly feel that having me time is important, so have it!

I just wanna read books about juicing, watch movies and have drinks in the city with friends!

Your favorite single blogger,

xoxo Rockie

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