Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To Lose A Girl in 10 days

So I was watching the movie, How to use a guy in 10 days and got to thinking. Now in the first ten days of meeting someone you can usually tell whether you want to possibly pursue something with them or not. Some people can detect this way sooner then ten days. So in this movie the main character tries to do everything that women do WRONG while dating a man for ten days. I started asking my friends what is it that a man can do to make a woman lose interest in a man and came up with a list of a few things.

  1. excessive calling and texting
  2. poor conversation
  3. eagerness for intimacy
  4. lack of proper etiquette 
  5. talking about an ex
  6. boasting about yourself

Communication is very important in the getting to know someone stage in a relationship, but excessive calling and texting will make a woman think you're a creep, stalker and weirdo.

Great conversation is key! Sitting on the phone saying um and OK over and over again because you can't think of anything interesting to say will have a girl thinking OK NEXT!

Eagerness for intimacy- Men who constantly bring up sex in the first few dates is a major turn-off and inappropriate. It'll make a girl think that that's the only thing on your agenda.

Lack of proper etiquette- PUT THE PHONE AWAY! while on a date you should not have your phone out at all, this is extremely rude. Also when out on a nice dinner please tip the waiter and waitress accordingly. I once had a friend who went on a date and the guy tipped the waiter TWO DOLLARS. Of course she never saw him again nor did she return any of his calls after that.

Talking about an ex- Please do not talk about an ex-girlfriend especially if not asked. If you were asked please keep it brief. No one really likes to hear about exes and it'll make a girl feel like you're not over them.

Boasting about yourself-  No one likes a bragger! Yuck! Talking about yourself and the things you have is a major turn off.

Please leave a comment if you would like to add to the list of things guys shouldn't do. 

xoxo Rockie


  1. I couldn't agree with point number 4 any more! It's so rude to be on your phone while out on a date or even in the presence of a woman that you are trying to sway. I have a boyfriend for a year now and we respect each other enough to not even use our phones around each other. We made up this game where we would go out to dinner and put our phones to the side of the table and the first person to pick it up would pick up the tab as well. It was challenging at first but you want to give someone your utmost respect and attention when with them. This also goes into my blog, how this generation is so caught up in their social media lives. It's scary!

  2. Talking about your ex should be number 1! haha

  3. Another point to add is lack of poor hygiene. Great article.

  4. I enjoyed reading this blog. Everyone should definitely follow the rules that you posted. I've heard guys just talk excessively about their ex girlfriends and I literally just want to tell them to shut up. It is a big turn off.

    Laura- I think your idea of putting the phones away is a great one! I have been known to take out my phone just out of habit, but I realize in the end how rude it truly is when you are in the middle of conversation.

  5. EJ hygiene is very important! no one wants to kiss a dragon mouth x_x
