Friday, February 15, 2013

Marrying Another Religion?

Love hath no boundaries!
Unless hes a Jew and you're a Christian, or she's a Muslim and you're a Buddhist... Well you get my drift?

Religion is usually a hot topic when brought up in any conversation, so imagine in the dating game. Usually one goes for someone who mirrors their religious beliefs. But what happens when you unexpectedly fall for someone who has a completely different belief system than you?! All though challenging, it is 100 percent possible. Both parties must be willing to come to a mutual understanding and first know that they will face many obstacles. Obstacles like who's doing the converting, and most importantly a couples' family members. Often times parents envision a certain mate for their child especially in religious and traditional communities and if they stray away from that path their family pictured for them it may cause a rift in the relationship. Having in-laws that aren't to fond of you can cause problems in most relationships. Before deciding to take the plunge and get serious with a significant other who has a different religious background both parties must have the "sit down". Sit down and have a serious conversation about where the relationship is going, and if its worth continuing. If you decide that you two are soul mates and can't eat, can't sleep without the other then go for it. Just make sure you guys are in it together because it may not be easy!
But have no fear that four letter word is here, (Love!) I'm a strong believer in the saying "Love conquers all." And once you find your mate nothing else matters. Believe in each other, be there for each other and everything will be ok!



  1. I agree I think the biggest problem is the families. people family play a big part in the relationship and yes love is the only thing that can overcome family problems.

  2. This is a tough topic for many because as much as we can say love conquers all, for many people it is extremely hard to overcome your parents disappointment if they expect you to marry into the same religion. Having a serious sit down conversation with your significant other is the right way to do it. I had a friend who was in this situation and her parents opinion about it eventually became the main reason she chose to not continue the relationship any further.

  3. This is a very interesting post in my opinion Raquel. As a Muslim I question adn wonder how my future will be, like will I end up marrying into the religion or marry outside. And if I do marry outside, how will have a family and raise our family, under my beliefs or hers? This topic definitely has me wondering but hopefully like you said "Love will conquer all" and make everything ok.

  4. Alyssa your right. But in this day and age we live in a melting pot of diversity and many times come across people that are culturally different from us so falling for someone from another background is easy. But if you can make the conscious decision not to persue someone because of that then ok, but if you do fall in love and cant help yourself then I say maybe follow your heart pray on it and hopefully everything will be ok....

  5. Hakim, when your ready to settle down those are certainly important questions you must ask yourself, the hardest thing about this is how do you raise your children? This is why both parties must decide on one religion to practice.

  6. This has always been a sensitive subject for me. Having parents who do not approve of who you are dating because of their religious beliefs is tough, especially the more serious you are with someone. Sometimes you just have to do what makes YOU happy. At the end of the day, if you're with someone who treats you like gold, then I think that is worth everything.

  7. Love this article and the personal connection.
